As our long time dedicated readers know, Shannon Chung is our Vice President of Alive Health Centre, Morning Sun and Supplements Plus. This small business started in 1983 by her mother-in-law, Alice Chung. Alongside other small Canadian business owners, she feels strongly that the health of our communities is the top priority, given the current circumstances. She also feels strongly that this is not a time to doubt the strength of our business, but instead, it is a time to thrive through creativity and come out stronger on the other side. Her team is devoted to developing alternative ways to keep the business going to help protect as many jobs as possible while at the same time keeping our community safe.
Examples of how we are adapting to keep people safe and keep people working:
- While in the past, our in-store experience was our jam, as we relied on the expertise of our Wellness Associates, we are creating more awareness of our online store promoting the importance of staying home with the convenience of our 24/7 online store. The team doesn’t want to stop there, we want to step it up. Therefore Shannon and the team are ready to answers any questions you may have regarding natural health, but just virtually. Contact Shannon Chung at
- We are also changing the way we take orders at the store level as well. The process will improve over the coming days. Stay tuned.
Ok so this is what we are doing, but let’s not stop there!
Small businesses are feeling more alone than ever and while there are resources and financial relief measures put in place by the Government, it will not solve every situation for all businesses and workers. Therefore, in an attempt to have small businesses stand together (as essentially we are all made up of amazing hard-working Canadian’s), let’s open up the channels to share what we are doing nationwide to keep our businesses going with Health and Safety at the forefront. If we share, then maybe small businesses in Canada will not feel alone.

The idea is simple, Shannon wants to find other small businesses doing the right thing and to help one another out.
She is actively seeking people that are trying to keep as many staff on the payroll by adapting their business model to work with the Canadian Government’s message of “stay home”, thus protecting our communities. She is also looking for people that are spreading love and kindness as this is something we all need lots of even on an ordinary day with no global pandemic. We are shifting our mindset as well to more than just comply with the Health Officials, but also to do the right thing of putting health and safety first, as this is our mission statement:
Changing the world through healthy living by putting you first.”
Below is her first find! There is a neat back story here. She has decided to start with her best friend Crystal Melody MacDonald. Shannon and Crystal met in Keswick Ontario when they were 3 years old and 31 years later, they are still best friends despite living on opposite sides of the country. You know Shannon as being authentic, and so is Crystal. She wishes to collaborate more with her best friend and find other amazing people to work with during this hard time. Let’s help one another across Canada, by spreading love and kindness, one small business at a time.
Shannon has some encouraging words for you below:
“Everyone reacts differently under stress. Some of us have it down to a science of how to see the best in every situation. For others, it comes easy to practice an attitude of gratitude and then there are many of us who struggle with anxiety, stress and/or depression. When I saw Crystal Melody MacDonald on one of her latest IG stories, I decided, I have to share with you her positivity and outlook. Her post is something that I think will resonate with a lot of us out there. It’s ok to be vulnerable as well as far from composed at all times; especially during a less predictable future. It is ok if you have cried, felt uneasy, or found yourself slipping into worry. Know that we must all practice social distancing and some of us may be isolated, but you are not alone. Make great choices, do the best you can, listen to health officials and try to stick with the facts and not fear. Lastly, take it a day at a time. Also, take a moment to get to know Crystal, she is full of life and maybe just what you need right now.”

Follow: feelthemelody__
Post by: Crystal Melody MacDonald
Want to know a little secret? 👇🏻 If you’ve seen my videos, IG stories, teaching a fitness class, or at a Monat social.
First, you probably think I have way too much energy 🙊🙃 – then “it’s easy for her because of her confidence” or “how the heck does she have it all together”?? Honestly, I’m trying my best here, but I don’t.
Most times I’m a social butterfly 🦋, but a lot of the time, I deal with anxiety.
This past week has been a blessing that I didn’t know I needed. Staying home with my family has calmed my anxiety as this chaos has made me lose control a bit. Slowing down and enjoying sweet moments with my family was just what I needed!
In the past anxiety has stopped me from doing the things I love but today, I stand here as someone who has better control, who can breathe and let go -just a bit 😉
I’m so happy to have the support of my best girlfriends, and an amazing family to help me through. ▪️Do you suffer from anxiety? are you finding this week to be overwhelming? Let’s help each other out – comment below! 📸: the brilliant @kaileyjanephotography ❤
While we practice social distancing we hope you will visit us online at:
If you have any questions email me at:
Do not sit in silence; there are so many things you can do to better your health! Get excited and take charge of your health. Let’s work together, along with your doctor/health care professional to ensure you are doing all you can to lead a happy and healthy life. Our team looks forward to helping you with whatever your health concerns are.