Hello to all of our customers and friends,
It is hard to believe that it has been more than four months since the pandemic changed the way we live and operate here in Canada. It has been a difficult time for many as well as a time of uncertainty.
Since the beginning, we have strived to keep you up to date. We want customers to feel secure and safe while shopping with us. Therefore, we have shared the changes we’ve been making to keep everyone safe in our stores. We have all been anticipating when normal might happen again, but the “normal†we once knew may not be what the shopping experience will look like for some time to come.
As the governments at all levels across Canada are able to lighten the emergency measures, we felt it is important to address to our dedicated customers the various new protocols that are being put into place. In the coming days and weeks, you’ll start to see several positive changes, including:
- Most of our locations are open, but we strongly encourage you to see our hours here in order to avoid disappointment or a wasted trip. https://www.shopalive.ca/locations/
- Our website www.shopalive.ca is there for you and we are incredibly thankful for your support and for supporting a Canadian business. We have a dedicated team ready to answer any health questions you may have and they can guide you through to help you purchase the right supplement regime that suits you. Email us at https://www.shopalive.ca/contact/
- At the stores, you will see various signage requesting social distancing, and these signs are all produced by our government officials. They are there to help remind us all of the proper protocols in order to ensure the safety of both customers and staff.
- We are still ready to help you at a location near you over the phone and then we can process your payment and pick up your order at the door. See here for a location near you. https://www.shopalive.ca/locations/
- You can expect to see hand sanitizer at every one of our locations and our Wellness Associates will offer some to you for your health and safety.
- We are diligent in keeping all our surfaces clean for frequently touched areas.
- You may notice our staff are wearing masks for help reduce droplets.
- You can also expect Plexiglas at our point of sale.
- Depending on the number of staff working, you may need to wait outside if we cannot maintain proper social distancing within our store and we thank you in advance for your understanding.

Also, despite business being affected by the pandemic, Alive, Morning Sun and Supplements Plus are committed to not increasing our prices due to the reduction of sales. Therefore, we will continue to offer:
- Our seniors discount EVERYDAY which is 10% off regular priced items.
- Our Customer Appreciation Day on the last Thursday of the month at our new HIGHER discount of 20% OFF in-store.
- ShopAlive.ca will continue to offer 10% OFF on the last Thursday of the month.
- Our volume discounts in-store.
- At the moment we are not accepting your vitamin bottles to be recycled but WILL continue to honor our bottle recycling program. Simply let the Wellness Associate know you have been recycling your bottles at home and when you purchase the same category of supplement we will give you $0.50 to $1 OFF per bottle *Some exceptions apply.
We encourage you to also refer a friend and have them sign up for our E-Newsletter so you, your family and friends can stay in the loop for our exciting summer promotions coming up! If you have read this far, here is a ONLINE ONLY coupon code for you and your friends: TAKE5. Type this code into the payment page of www.shopalive.ca take $5 dollars off your next purchase (online only).
As we all strive to help flatten the curve across the country, we’ll make further changes and share them with you as we go. We are confident that is we all remain thoughtful and careful about what we do, than we can stay on this positive side of these unforeseen circumstances so that things will open up more and more and keep us moving forward.
We look forward to serving you in our stores and online!
Lastly, as a small Canadian business, online sales have helped us keep going. Did you know that a percentage of our online sales go towards the Food banks of greater Vancouver? You are not only supporting us, but we are also working together to help support those in need.

While we practice social distancing we hope you will visit us online at:
If you have any questions email me at: shannon@shopalive.ca
Do not sit in silence; there are so many things you can do to better your health! Get excited and take charge of your health. Let’s work together, along with your doctor/health care professional to ensure you are doing all you can to lead a happy and healthy life. Our team looks forward to helping you with whatever your health concerns are.