We are approaching the end of January and this is a friendly post to say, if your New Year’s resolution was to “Lose Weight” and if you are finding you are about to give up – you can still do it. It starts with a healthy mindset and a healthy relationship to food and physically activity.
For tips on how to get yourself back on track, I have a few blog articles that will go along nicely with this one. Then when you are ready, take a look at Aeryon Wellness Ultimate Weight Loss stack:
- Lose It buy now on ShopAlive.ca
- Water B Gone buy now on ShopAlive.ca

What is Water B Göne made of?
With a combination of dandelion and juniper berry, Water B Göne is formulated with natural diuretic ingredients to help flush excess water from your system while providing you PMS support. The dandelion, scientifically referred to as Taraxacum officinale, acts to increase diuresis (water loss), along with a clinical dose of juniper berry. Water B Göne’s other ingredients, including milk thistle, black cohosh, and magnesium work to detoxify your liver, muscles, and reproductive organs to help you feel light and energetic as you approach your menstrual cycle. Each of these ingredients work harmoniously to improve the balance in your body and contribute to your overall health and well being.
Is Water B Göne right for me?
If you feel bloated or uncomfortable during your pre-menstrual cycle and can’t seem to find that right source of relief, then Water B Göne is the perfect solution for you. This support supplement will provide you with a lighter, happier pre-menstrual cycle with its water-shedding abilities and detoxifying formula. By taking the Water B Göne Support Supplement, you will gain back the energy you need to get through your busy days with ease.
Water B Göne Support Supplement – Features
Water B Göne Support Supplement provides all-natural relief to PMS symptoms by shedding excess water weight while detoxifying the liver, muscles, and reproductive organs. It is the perfect solution for anyone suffering from uncomfortable PMS symptoms, including bloating and low energy levels.
Water B Göne
- Helps decrease excess water weight
- Detoxifies the body
- Provides PMS and hormonal support
- Supports a healthy water balance

How does Löse It work?
Lose it metabolism support works by promoting estrogen metabolism and a healthy balance of estrogen in the body, while supporting fat loss through increased thermogenesis and calorie burning. Unlike other fat burners that only boost thermogenesis, Lose it works to balance out the female hormonal system and unlock estrogen’s hold on your fat-burning potential.
What is Löse It made of?
Löse It is a scientifically backed, all-natural formula that works to promote a healthy endocrine (hormonal) system by balancing estrogen in the body and stimulating the metabolism to burn off excess fat.
By using ingredients like Indol-3-carbinol, Red Pepper Extract, L-Carnitine, Vitamin B12, Olive Leaf, Caffeine and Green Tea this herbal support supplement can promote weight loss, balance hormones, suppress appetite and enhance your workouts.
Is Löse It right for me?
If you find yourself at a weight loss plateau, suffering from low energy, experiencing estrogen dominance weight gain in your stomach and mid section or needing that extra motivation to get through your workouts, Lose It will provide you the relief you need. The Lose it Metabolism Support Supplement can also be used alongside Water B Gone for the ultimate weight loss stack.
Löse It metabolism support
- Enhances Fat Metabolism & Weight Loss
- Exercise Enhancer & Increases Energy
- Balances Estrogen to Boost Fat Loss
Lastly, losing weight is hard, but eventually you get to a point where it is harder to be winded when playing with your kids. Or harder to ignore how your body is feeling – tired, sluggish and while process foods in abundance are easier in the moment, they become the harder choice when you feel like your body is not performing in a way that it should. Balance, my friends is the key!
If you have any questions about the above products you can contact me directly at shannon@shopalive.ca
Lastly, as a small Canadian business, online sales have helped us keep going. Did you know that a percentage of our online sales go towards the Food banks of greater Vancouver? You are not only supporting us, but we are also working together to help support those in need.

While we practice social distancing we hope you will visit us online at:
Do not sit in silence; there are so many things you can do to better your health! Get excited and take charge of your health. Let’s work together, along with your doctor/health care professional to ensure you are doing all you can to lead a happy and healthy life. Our team looks forward to helping you with whatever your health concerns are.