We often think of Saw Palmetto as something that is just for men, but it can actually have great health benefits for women as well. My previous blog articles focussed on Saw Palmetto and how it can help men for enlarged prostate as well as prostate health in general.
Saw Palmetto and Women:
Saw palmetto is an alternative remedy used to treat hair loss and help prevent premature ageing in general. It’s a plant with small berries that has been used by Native Americans as medicine and food for hundreds of years. There’s evidence that this herbal remedy may treat an enlarged prostate as well as prostate cancer. It also has been used to treat:
- hair loss
- bladder infections
- decreased sex drive
In women, preliminary studies reveal that this extract can help in relieving pain in women suffering from uterine and ovarian irritations. This extract may also benefit women who have conditions caused by excess androgen or hormones such as testosterone, which can cause hirsutism (excess facial hair).
Saw Palmetto Can Help Prevent Hair Loss
Research on whether saw palmetto works to treat hair loss is limited but it is very promising. We have customers who combine Alive Vitamins Hair Gro and Bamboo Silica with Alive Vitamins Saw Palmetto.
An extract of saw palmetto berries may block 5-alpha-reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT. DHT is the molecule responsible for hair loss and also is involved in the enlargement of the prostate.
The medicinal properties of saw palmetto are found in the fat soluble extract obtained from the blue-black berries of this small palm tree that grows wild from Texas to South Carolina. The name is derived from the saw-toothed stems located at the base of each leaf. The Native Americans used it to treat urinary tract disorders.
The major benefit of this herb is relief from symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland – a condition very common among men over the age of 45 years. This condition, also known as BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia or hypertrophy), can cause the prostate gland to press on the urethra, resulting in frequent urination (especially problematic at nighttime), weak urine flow, painful urination and incomplete voiding. Saw palmetto alters the levels of various hormones, that cause prostate cells to multiply and also helps curb inflammation so that tissue swelling is reduced.
In addition, this herb boosts the immune system’s ability to kill bacteria, making it helpful in treating prostate and urinary tract infections. It has also been found helpful in relieving symptoms of prostatitis, an inflammation of prostate tissues. This condition can occur in younger men and has similar symptoms to BPH.
Pygeum, like saw palmetto, supports prostate and urinary tract health. This herb is extracted from the bark of an evergreen tree native to Sub-Saharan Africa. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce swelling of the prostate, thereby supporting healthy bladder function for regular and complete urination.
Enlargement and inflammation of the prostate can hinder urine flow and affect sexual function. Frequent nighttime urination, pain, burning and difficulty with urination are all symptoms of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia BPH. The berries of the saw palmetto plant have been used in holistic medicine for years to enhance male urinary and reproductive health.
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Do not sit in silence; there are so many things you can do to better your health! Get excited and take charge of your health. Let’s work together, along with your doctor/health care professional to ensure you are doing all you can to lead a happy and healthy life. Our team looks forward to helping you with whatever your health concerns are.