We all have suffered from descresed energy at some point in our lives. Today Dr. Oz discussed the differences in energy types: Reactive Energy Type, Fluctuating Energy Type and Sluggish Energy Type. So what is your E-Type?
Reactive E-Type:
- Tend to carry your weight in the top
- Always feel on edge
- Tired in the morning
These are classic signs of exhausted Adrenal glands. You are burned out and it is due to the hormone cortisol. While Dr. Oz has touched on this, I would love to share with all of you that Lorna Vanderhaeghe has been talking about this for years. Her research is dedicated to hormone balancing and AdrenaSmart is what you would be after for the following results:
ADRENASMART Less Stress, More Energy
What to expect from this product:
- Increase in energy, endurance and well-being
- Rejuvenation, increased sexual performance
- Enhanced immune function, and anti-tumor properties
- Reduced pain and inflammation (injuries, arthritis)
- Antioxidant properties that fight free radical damage
- Anti-Aging
- Cardiovascular protection
Suggested usage: Take 1-2 capsules midday with a snack.
The ingredients contain everything that Dr. Oz has been talking about lately on his show. Here is a fantastic, quality product with its NPN
Rhodiola, Suma, Schizandra Berries, and Ashwagandha
More information here: http://healthyimmunity.com/products/PI_sheets/ADRENAsmart.pdf
Fluctuating E-Type:
Next we have the Fluctuating E-Type.
- Tired at any moment
- Unpredictable periods
- Carry weight from the waste down
This is happening again due to an imbalance of hormones. This has to do with Estrogen imbalance. What is incredibly helpful to countless women is Lorna Vanderhaeghe’s EstroSmart formula. No more heavy periods, no more cramps, acne and unexplained tiredness.
Balanced hormones, effortless periods, PMS hormonal acne and improved fertility What to expect from this product:
- Maintains healthy estrogen to progesterone balance
- Protects your breasts
- Reduces and eliminates the occurrence of breast cysts
- Detoxifies the liver of carcinogenic estrogens found in plastics, pesticides, cosmetics
- Stops flooding, heavy, debilitating periods
- Halts abnormal cell growth (fibroids, cysts, endometriosis)
- For those with PCOS and ovarian cysts
- Halts conversion of 2-hydroxyestrone metabolites to carcinogenic estrogens (16-hydroxyestrone)
- Contains the equivalent cancer protecting plant nutrients as eating 1 kilo of cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, etc…)
- Eliminates PMS and makes periods effortless
- Maintains healthy PAP smears
- Eliminates hormonal acne
Take before menopause to ensure a healthy transition
WHO NEEDS HORMONE BALANCING THERAPY? All women but especially those with:
For more information http://healthyimmunity.com/products/PI_sheets/ESTROsmart%20plus.pdf
Sluggish E-Type:
Lastly we have the sluggish energy type. Which is described as:
- Tired all of the time
- Gain weight everywhere
- And Sensitive to temperature
What are we talking about here? Dr. Oz is talking about a sluggish underactive thyroid. Your thyroid gland is responsible for keeping you in balance as it is making hormones for you as well. Lorna Vanderhaeghe’s product called Thyroid Smart is your answer to getting rid of cold hands and feet as well as unexplained weight gain. Ladies, it is important to KNOW YOUR NUMBERS!! Do not be shy, when you get your blood work done, check off the box so that you can get a copy of your numbers. You should always know you cholesterol and your thyroid.
Below is an important message by Lorna Vanderhaeghe:
Low Thyroid? by Lorna Vanderhaeghe
If you have the following symptoms low thyroid may be your problem:
- Thinning hair
- Dry skin
- Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
- Sensitivity to cold
- Menstrual problems
- Fatigue or lethargy
- Headaches
Hypothyroid or low thyroid hormone is very common in Canada, affecting approximately 20-25 percent of the female population and about 10 percent of males. An additional 20 percent may also have subclinical or mild hypothyroidism whereby their TSH is within normal range. The thyroid secretes two hormones T3 and T4 that are crucial for controlling our metabolism. Because they affect every cell in the body, a deficiency will result in many symptoms including those mentioned above.
Severe hypothyroidism, confirmed by a thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test, requires the use of thyroid medication. But if you have mild or subclinical low thyroid, where your TSH is greater than 2.0 IU/ml but less than the 5.5 IU/ml level indicative of hypothyroidism, the nutrients found in THYROSMART may help. Or, if you have been on thyroid medication for a while and you still have symptoms you may not be converting your thyroid hormones very well. THYROSMART may also help correct this.
More Information: http://healthyimmunity.com/products/PI_sheets/THYROsmart.pdf
As always, we hope that you will come and visit us at either Alive Health Centre, Morning Sun or Supplements Plus. Do not sit in silence; there are so many things you can do to better your health! Get excited and take charge of your health. Let’s work together, along with your doctor to ensure you are doing all you can to lead a happy and healthy life. Our team looks forward to helping you with what ever your health concerns are.
Also, if there is not a location near you, we do MAIL ORDERS call us toll free at 1 866 499 9546
I want to know is it okay to takes thyrosmart if my tsh is 2.4 lever and taking adrenasmart also.im worried may this be harmful.
Yes you may take ThyroSmart and AdrenSmart when on thyroid medication. It is recommended to take them at different times of the day. However, we always recommend that you consult your health care practitioner.
Is it ok to take Adrensmart and Thyroids art on the same day. I am not on medication. Thyroid results were .71
Yes you can take them on the same day 🙂 In fact it is best to be consistent and keep up with the recommended daily dosage for both of these products as they work well together.