A.Vogel Allergy Relief (Pollinosan ®)
Natural Allergy Remedy Homeopathic Remedy Tablets
Allergy symptoms making you not yourself? A.Vogel Allergy Relief (previously called Pollinosan) has been used for over 60 years and is a TOP SELLER in Europe simply because it WORKS without having to feel groggy. Allergy Relief is an homeopathic medicine for the treatment of:
• sneezing,
• itchy nose,
• itchy, scratching throat,
• burning eyes and lacrimation.
After using A.Vogel Allergy Relief, 88.5% of patients reported an improvement in their allergy symptoms. Al lergy Relief can be taken a month before the hay fever season just as it can be taken a month before going on a holiday, where you know you will be facing known al lergens and a possible change of diet. There is no need to suffer this allergy season. Make Spring become your favourite time of the year!! DIN-HM 80014956
Allergy Relief (Pollinosan) not only lowers the allergic reaction but also relieves symptoms. One of the other actions of Pollinosan is to remove the toxins associated with the allergy mechanism, such as histamine and other chemical mediators.
A Dutch clinical study evaluated Pollinosan ® on 199 patients suffering from the following allergies: dust: 50.8%; animals: 35.7%; pollens (hay fever): 68.3%; and allergies of unknown origin: 14.6%. Most patients suffered from more than one allergy and 28.6% were allergic only to pollens.
The study was conducted from April to July, in 1988 and in 1989, and the results of the two years were compared to check for a difference in allergens (due to dry weather, for example) that could alter the data.
The use of Pollinosan ® led to concluding results: 56,8% of patients reported a distinct improvement of their symptoms (complete or quasi-complete disappearance of symptoms); 31.7% of patients reported a partial improvement of symptoms; and only 11.5% of patients did not notice any improvement. No side effects were reported.(4)
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- Will work on all environmental allergies, including pollens, animal hairs, dust, mites, moulds…
- Help reduce all respiratory tract symptoms without drowsiness.
- Gives results in 20 to 30 minutes.
- For seasonal allergies, it is even more effective if taken once a day, one month prior to usual unset of allergies
- For allergies to animals, take year-round.
- Some have reported a reduction in their allergies and even the complete recovery by using Allergy Relief for a few years during their allergy season.
- Can be used short term or long term. Safe for all, including children, pregnant women and breastfeeding women. No drowsiness or side effects
Allergy Relief Clinical Studies
Allergy Relief (Pollinosan) drops or tabs. Clinically proven.
•A clinical investigation was carried out in Netherland. The investigation involved 199 patients, aged 34 years, suffering from seasonal allergies, allergies to dust and/or animals for a period of 9.5 years.
•The patients had taken 2 tablets or 20 drops, 3 times daily before meals, from the beginning of April until the end of July. Patients had to respond to the following criteria: “distinct improvementâ€, “partial improvement†and “no improvement†of allergy symptoms.
•88.5% of patients had reported an improvement in their symptoms:
•56.8 % of patients reported a distinct improvement in their symptoms
•31.7% reported partial improvement.
•No side effects were reported.
We hope that you will come and visit us at either Alive Health Centre, Morning Sun or Supplements Plus. Do not sit in silence; there are so many things you can do to better your health! Get excited and take charge of your health. Let’s work together, along with your doctor to ensure you are doing all you can to lead a happy and healthy life. Our team looks forward to helping you with what ever your health concerns are.
DISCLAIMER – Note, the information contained in this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and is not meant to replace the advice of a qualified healthcare professional or practitioner. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional