One thing we can all be trying to do while we #stayhome is to #stayhealthy. If we can maintain our immune system this will help our families have the best time at home while in isolation. We always talk about immune products, but there are other very important factors to keeping your immune system strong. The other day we posted about gut health,  which illustrates how the gut impacts your immune system. Today we will go into how stress also plays an important role in your immunity. We must keep our stress levels in check so we can #stayhealthy. Mental health is very important and we all deal with situations differently. If you feel like your sleep is suffering, or you have some stress that is impeding your regular stable mood, have a little read about 5-HTP, it may be a fit for you.

Alive Vitamins 5 HTP

Here are some of the areas that 5HTP has been shown to help with:

Depression, obesity, mood swings, appetite and weight loss, migraines, fibromyalgia and sleep deprivation.

Did you know that AliveVitamins 5-HTP is on SALE right now?

Are you affected by  sleep deprivation, depression, anxiety, or headaches?  5-HTP can help you find some solace. What is 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan)?    5-HTP is an amino acid and it is related to both L-Tryptophan and serotonin. The L-Tryptophan is converted into 5-HTP, which then can be converted into serotonin. Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter.  Serotonin can affect appetite, sleep, aggression, anxiety among other discomforts. Serotonin is mostly known for playing a significant role in insomnia, depression, and obesity. It is also important to note that  5-HTP also aids in other neurotransmitters and hormones such as melatonin,  dopamine, and endorphins.  This is where behavioural issues can be helped such as aggression, depression, learning, sleep and mood.

There is an extensive amount of evidence that suggests that low serotonin levels are a common consequence of modern living. The lifestyle and dietary practices of many people living in this stress-filled era results in lowered levels of serotonin within the brain. Often times, this has led to weight gain, sugar cravings and other cravings for carbohydrates. Some experience bouts of depression, get frequent headaches, and have muscle aches and pain. These complaints are correctable by raising brain serotonin levels, which can be done by using 5-HTP.

5-HTP is amazing for certain mood disorders. Studies also have shown it to be helpful for major problems such as depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, migraines and even fibromyalgia. As we are all unique and have specific conditions, we always recommend you work with your health care provider.

Adult Dosage:  Take 1-2 capsules 3 times daily for mood balance, fibromyalgia or migraines. OR, take 2 capsules 1-2 times daily for sleep aid.

This product is made in Canada.

Caution:  Consult a health care practitioner if you are taking serotonergic drugs or if you experience gastrointestinal upset. Do not take if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or driving a vehicle or operating machinery.

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Do not sit in silence; there are so many things you can do to better your health!  Get excited  and take charge of your health. Let’s work together, along with your doctor/health care professional to ensure you are doing all you can to lead a happy and healthy life. Our team looks forward to helping you with whatever your health concerns are.

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