Alive Vitamins is 100% Canadian and we have been bringing you superior formulas since 1983. Alive Vitamins FloraGLO ®Lutein 18 mg, is one of our absolute top sellers for one...
In-Store Promotion ONLY! Find a location near YOU! Just a reminder that TODAY is Customer Appreciation Day (CAD)!! It is always the 1st Tuesday of every month! This means that...
It's that time of year where people are feeling pretty awesome! Spring is finally here, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming and the sun is adding a little...
In-Store Promotion ONLY! Find a location near YOU! Just a reminder that TODAY is Customer Appreciation Day (CAD)!! It is always the 1st Tuesday of every month! This means that...
What does She to Shic have to do with Alive Health Centre? We are both local Canadian businesses that believe being beautiful comes from within and that the best...
Today we are featuring an article written by Lylas G. Mogk, MD. This article carefully explains the difference between dry and wet age-related macular degeneration. There are wonderful...
In-Store Promotion ONLY! Find a location near YOU! Just a reminder that TODAY is Customer Appreciation Day (CAD)!! It is always the 1st Tuesday of every month! This means that...
Just a reminder that TODAY is Customer Appreciation Day (CAD)!! It is always the 1st Tuesday of every month! This means that Tuesday October 3rd, is CAD!! Therefore,...